Harness the Power of Momentum

When we think of the raw power of a raging river, a soaring airplane, or even a surging space ship, we are often amazed. Yet we fail to appreciate that the same force of nature which propels those engines is available to us as humans.

This force, when harnessed correctly, can propel us from beginners to becoming elite.

This force can cause us to overcome obstacles which would keep us from our goals.

This force can collapse time and move us forward faster than we ever expected.

This force is the power of momentum.

Why Momentum Matters…

Momentum is more than just an awesome power, it is actually the fundamental process of how we humans learn.

Babies first begin to pull up on chairs and couches, bringing themselves to a stand. The next day, they take their first steps, then fall.

Hour by hour, day by day they keep on practicing, as if nature itself is pushing them, never halting their momentum.

Just a few months into this process and they are walking with ease.

That is the power of momentum at work.

When we become committed to a goal day after day, without ceasing, progress just comes along with for the ride.

You see, babies don’t take a day off from learning to walk. Space ships don’t stop in mid-flight and take a break.

It’s the consistency that carries them to their destination.

Now that we know the keys to the power of momentum it becomes critical for us to harness this power.

Marring Momentum

If the power of momentum is appreciated through consistent action, then the opposite is also true. Simply stopping our consistency interrupts the flow of this power.

What would we think if a baby stopped trying to walk or talk for a couple of weeks?

Yet, we interrupt our most powerful asset for a variety of reasons.

Everyone is busy, everyone has conflicts, everyone has interruptions. But how do those who harness momentum overcome these?

Overcoming life’s interruptions is not easy; yet, what becomes available to us, when we accomplish this is an other-worldy force fast-forwards us towards our goal.

Obviously, the juice is worth the squeeze, but how do we accomplish overcoming interruption?

If you are looking for 3 keys to help your athlete grow their game faster, watch this video now!

Making Momentum

First, we must develop our distractions. That’s right, just as film is developed in a lab, causing the picture to become clearer, we must first become clear on our most common distractions or things that usually keep us from momentum.

These might be school, work, common injuries or sickness.

Once we anticipate these antagonists we can make an effort to minimize them as distractions.

This might look like getting our school work done early or late, doing preventative therapy for our common injuries or even taking vitamins to strengthen our immune system against sickness.

Another method to establish momentum is to supplement with substitutes. We may not always be able to remain super-consistent but crawling is better than sitting.

Always have some supplements at your disposal to help keep your momentum going. I always keep resistance bands with me. They are a great substitute in case I miss my morning workouts. I can perform squats, slides, shoulder press, curls and a variety of exercises with these whenever distractions prevent me from getting into the gym.

There used to be a time when players kept a ball on them at all times. Guys like Pete Maravich and Magic Johnson would dribble everywhere they go. You still see football players with fumbling struggles doing this from time to time.

But even just having a ball handy will allow athlete’s to take advantage of available concrete while waiting on mom at the doctor or at a sibling’s soccer practice. You can even practice shooting form in a chair while dad is at the dentist!

Perhaps the biggest tool we have to maintain our momentum is peer pressure. Yes, getting in community with others with our common goal can help keep us pushing forward when we would otherwise be distracted or give up.

We will often do for others what we will not do for ourselves. Not wanting to disappoint a coach/trainer, teammate or friend can sometimes be all the motivation we need to establish our momentum.

Momentum Marries

We have success in any undertaking when we become what we are wanting to accomplish.

(i.e. - Those successful at losing weight become health conscious in every area.)

That’s what is great about momentum, it marries us to the goal we are wanting to achieve.

Athlete’s who delete distractions, supplement their training and who are plugged into community with others looking to improve, will eventually BECOME great.

You see the funny thing about momentum is that progress seems slow at first, then all of a sudden all at once; just like the baby taking their first steps.

Here's to Your Athlete's Success!

Dr. Jason Parker,

Player Performance Specialist

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