Andrew’s Ascension

A relentless worker with great size, Andrew had all the makings of an outstanding player.

Still, he lacked the know how to become the best version of himself.

When we first met Andrew, he had not been selected for his high school team for the previous two years; and although he had been working tirelessly, his efforts were in vain.

One of the first things we noticed about Andrew was that he lacked confidence and court presence. Although he stands at nearly 6’3 with a strong frame, he would often shrink and reduce himself whenever the ball touched his hands, signaling a lack of confidence noticeable to other players.

Despite this, Andrew had developed a unique skill set of being a sharp shooter, with range extending well beyond the three-point line. Still, this ability often failed to shine because of Andrew’s lack of confidence.

In March, Andrew and his mom committed their training to JP3 full-time, consistently attending twice weekly. This trust factor was impactful and necessary because it allowed us to do the deep work to address the source of Andrew’s issue and do the deep work to build him into the best version of himself.

It took time to disassemble his limiting beliefs and unconfident body language and replace it with full-fledged faith and swagger.

There were days when Andrew had to complete the same repetition over and over again until it not only was done right, but completed with confidence and swagger.

Through this process, Andrew began to own his ascension. His improvement became a product of his own doing. He literally began to sprout confidence seemingly overnight.

The other area where Andrew lacked growth was in his overall performance plan. Due to Andrew not being a part of a high school team; he lacked access to a weight room and strength program. As a result, Andrew lacked the core strength, coordination and explosiveness needed to succeed at the high school level.

After reviewing his plan and developing a routine to help with his strength, conditioning and speed, Andrew committed to executing the workouts on his own and made huge strides in his strength.

This componenet cannot be overlooked.

Andrew actually took the plan and worked it, often on his own.

Many young athletes lack this type of dedication and consistency, but it is one of Andrew’s superpowers.

When you see Andrew compete today he is a completely different kid. His eyes are up at all times, body strong, uses both hands, and never back downs from a challenge, in fact he brings the challenge to the opposition.

Andrew’s shooting has gone to a new level, his mom Wendy says:

“Andrew’s confidence has soared to new heights, whether it’s shooting off the move, or step backs to get separation, he is now knocking these down confidently. His new workout plan has improved his quickness and confidence. Now, even when he is having an off shooting game, he has the confidence to keep shooting.”

As a result of his consistency, belief and newfound confidence, Andrew not only made his high school team in April, but he’s in the regular rotation of the Varsity squad with a chance to make some noise this winter.

Yet, this accomplishment pales in comparison to the new person Andrew has become. Remarks Wendy:

“Andrew’s success feels great, it feels like his improvement as a person, will open doors for him in the future.”

Here are some takeaways from Andrew’s story:

  1. Crazy Commitment is Key - Players must shut out distractions/excuses and marry the plan. A minimum of two workouts weekly is needed for this level of transformation.

  2. Dedication Drives Results - Players must be dedicated in the dark, when they are on their own time. Andrew even changed his eating habits.

  3. Belief Will Take You Beyond - Andrew had to first believe he was capable and also believe in what we saw in him. He never questioned the process and got the results he was seeking, plus more.

Activate your transformation. Schedule today.

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