Here We Grow Again

As the spring sets in with summer shortly behind it, home improvement stores like Lowes and Home Depot are getting busier. Drive by any of these stores and you will see and array of options in flowers, soil and mulch. You see what these stores know is that it’s growing season.

Similarly, this is the time of year where players have the opportunity to get the most gains! Although everyone loves growth we must realize that there’s a cost.

Going Down???

Before any farmer can produce an abundant harvest they must first get down in the soil, digging deep into the dirt in an effort to give their seed the greatest chance at growth. Similarly, before a building is erected, contractors must first go deep into the dirt to establish a foundation. Are you willing to get dirty?

You see growth requires going down long before growth ensues. Parents & Athletes have to be willing to get dirty, go down in the dirt or strip off their pride to begin anew. Each level, from elementary to Jr. High to High School from bench player, to role player, to starter to star, requires a new set of learning that players and parents need to be prepared for.

More often than not, players initially get worse before they get better. This is because it takes time for roots to form deep. The progression from beginner to mastery mirrors the progression from plant to bloom; in other words, although it happens overnight, it doesn’t happen on the first night.

Dig Means Dirty

None of us would expect to dig and not get at least a little dirty. Farmers expect to come home with dirt on their shirt, shoes and perhaps even in their hair. Although we yearn for growth, we often hate the dirty part.

We get upset when athletes make mistakes, when they fail to perform up to a previous standard or miss out on an opportunity we wished they would take advantage of. These are all a part of getting dirty. At the end of the day the sapling is not yet ready for growth.

A farmer would not be upset with his crop for failing to produce after he had just put it in the ground. He certainly wouldn’t be mad because he got dirty in the process.

Sudden Success

Growth always seemingly happens overnight, because growth only happens overnight. While you were sleeping and least expecting it you will begin to see evidence of growth. Perhaps just a little sapling at first, but you’ve got evidence that a seed was indeed planted and a crop is coming.

The beautiful thing about growing season is that the spring and summer are primed to produce fruit for the winter. This also aligns with basketball season.

Although it’s awesome to have a great summer, production is for the winter months when we want players playing their best. During summer months we should really only expect players to play well one out of every two to three games. This is because they are in growth mode!

Here's to Your Young Athlete's Success!

Dr. Jason Parker,

Player Performance Specialist


Before the Grind Activate the Mind


You Cant Overcome Without Opposition